
Secure and share knowledge

Interview platform with AI-based questioning 
methods for knowledge externalization

Wissen sichern und bereitstellen

Die Interviewplattform mit KI-basiertem Befragungsverfahren zur Wissensexternalisierung


Motivation & Use Cases

The shortage of skilled workers, the high number of experts retiring in the 
coming years, and increasing digitalization pose significant challenges to 
companies and organizations. In global markets which are developing rapidly, it 
is crucial to protect and preserve existing company-specific expertise, especially 
the expertise of employees.

What has been the problem so far (hypothesis)?

Up to now, methods to externalize expert knowledge through structured 
interviews and workshop formats have often been labor-intensive and 
rarely cost-effective. Additionally, the results in the form of stored text 
documents are of limited practical use.



New technical possibilities

AI offers new possibilities to automate the questioning and externalization 
process, making it economically viable. This applies to both the questioning 
itself and the parallel or subsequent sequencing and processing of the 
collected knowledge. Moreover, today there are new ways to integrate 
knowledge directly into workflows through digital formats (Digital Adoption 
Platforms, Chatbots). Knowledge placed in an application context leads to 
significantly higher benefits.


Knowledge externalization powered by AI


The components:

  • AI-based document analysis
  • an interview platform as a front-end with a connection to the underlying LLMs
  • Evaluation and question generation processes with generative AI and controlling middleware
  • Processes based on scientific models for the externalization of procedural knowledge

We also process the externalized knowledge with AI support and make it available in different digital forms. We are currently testing different scenarios: bots with avatars, online help, short videos and others. For further development, we plan to integrate a skills analysis with a connection to systems such as ESCO or EUROPASS.


Current status - partners

The solution is being developed by a joint team of tts and Fraunhofer. A first working solution (mvp) is available. Further development is taking place in various pilot projects in different industries and application areas. We are supported by a network of project partners from industry, commerce, insurance and the public sector.

We would be happy to discuss the possibilities of using tts knowledge safe in your organization. Please contact us:



If the AI knew what the expert knows...

What if an AI could extract the experiences of employees and make them available to colleagues in the company? Susanne Dube invited experts Max Upravitelev from Fraunhofer Fokus and Katharina Vögl-Duschek from tts to discuss this exciting question.